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Publisher’s Weekly Features “Eight Years to the Moon”
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I was excited when I heard Publisher’s Weekly wanted to feature “Eight Years to the Moon” in their roundup of books about space exploration. But I was completely honored when I found out they wanted to do an interview with me. If […]

Saying “So Long” to the Space Coast
“I lived and worked on the Moon. I called the Moon home for three days of my life.” — Apollo 17 Astronaut Gene Cernan Those words from Gene Cernan have been floating around in my mind the past few days. Although my […]

Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt, the Space Shuttle is Gorgeous
On March 2, 2010 I had the privilege to watch space shuttle Discovery’s first motion of rollout from the Vehicle Assembly Building to launchpad 39A, which began precisely at midnight. I was told first motion hasn’t been open to the press for […]